Thursday, 26 April 2012

Quarter Life Crisis

Have you ever felt like you are just existing through life? That life is just a boring routine? (i.e. work, home, sleep then repeat). Do you sometimes feel like you haven't achieved anything significant in your life? Are there times that you just feel lost and confused? Have you ever felt that there must be more to life? If you have answered yes to any of the above questions then you have experienced symptoms of a "Quarter life crisis". (I know that just sounded like a TV advert lol). This term (similar to mid life crisis) is mainly applicable to people who are in their 20's that have finished formal education and are transitioning to living in the real world.

The real world is a massive place and can be very overwhelming. When you are in you 20s you start to feel a lot of pressure. Examples include the pressure to know your career path, pressure to marry, pressure to have children, pressure to have a particular job, pressure to move out of your parent’s house. There are all these expectations it seems we need to fulfil. There are many decisions we need to make but a lot of the time we are unsure whether we are making the right one. Sometimes I feel I am just living a routine life. I'm always wondering isn't there more to life than having academic qualifications, a 9-5, marriage, kids, a mortgage then going on a pension until you die?

I guess that is when the whole finding your purpose and passion in life comes in. When you do know what your purpose is in life then you can live a fulfilled life. This is something I am still trying to figure out, my purpose and true passion. I watched one of Oprah's life classes where she talked about purpose. There are many people who like myself are unsure of their life purpose, even people who are in their 40s/50s. There are also people who seem to have everything going for them in life (i.e. successful careers and wealth) but still feel unfulfilled with their lives.

One thing that was said in the life class was that finding your purpose is a journey (please note your purpose is not always your career). Life is also a journey and it is also one of self-discovery. It is the process of finding yourself (which can take years). Being on this journey can allow you to learn new things about yourself through your life experiences which helps to mould you. Like planning a journey you can plan your life (Believe me I used to plan everything in my life from my career, to the money I'll earn to the age I will be married to when I'll have my first child etc) but life doesn't always go according to how you plan it (I'm sure we can all testify to this). Unless you are psychic you can never be certain of what the future holds.

I believe that everyone has their own destiny. Your journey is unique and it is not supposed to be the same as someone else's journey. Therefore we should not compare ourselves with other people because their life journey is not meant for us (I admit I have been guilty of comparing myself to others which only discouraged me). I came to a realisation that I am me and there will only be one me so I should aim to be the best ME I can be. Yes you can have role models and be inspired by others but never aim to be someone else (I am sure you have all heard the quote "you were born an original so don't die a copy"). I believe that we should try our best to enjoy and make the most of our lives. After all we only have one life. We should seize the moment, try new things and find out things about ourselves. In addition praying for guidance and meditating can help lead us to finding out our purpose.

I know this post does not apply to everyone; there are some people who know their life purpose and are fulfilling it. I love seeing people who are fulfilling their purpose, it really motivates me. I believe that God has a plan for every one of us "In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps" (Proverbs 16:9). Our ways are not God's ways but I believe that God will make sure that things work out for the better in our lives. Those of you who are unsure of your purpose I think we should embrace our journey of discovering what it is and view it as an adventure. One quote Joyce Meyer says is that we should enjoy where we are at on the way to where we are going.

This is one of my favorite songs by India Arie and I would like you to really listen to the lyrics

Written By Dinah

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