But sometimes when I look at what some women are and it is upsetting.
It seems that we tolerate a lot of things that devalue our being. We tolerate the cheating, being verbally/physically abused, being disrespected, being used, being treated as objects.
We allow men to dictate our worth. Why is our worth dependant only on our physical attributes? It seems that these days having a big ass seems more important than having a degree.
This is the reason why a lot of us have low self esteem. We place our worth on the wrong things and when we don't look a certain way then we feel bad about ourselves. Low self esteem makes some of us sexualise and degrade ourselves. The strippers, prostitutes, glamour models, video vixens, the girl who sleeps with rich guys, the girl who posts pics in her underwear to get likes on instagram, the girl who goes from man to man because she's searching for love, the girl whose face is always caked in make up, the girl who is willing to go through dangerous procedures to enhance her body. Low self esteem even has some of us being content with being a mistress or sidechick. We yearn for attention more than respect.
The media plays its part, we see these models and female celebrities and aspire to be like them. When we have people like Rihanna and Kim Kardashian in the spotlight no wonder some girls are the way they are. Even the way women are portrayed on some reality TV shows where being degraded is the norm. It is okay to be disrespectful, it is okay to be a side chick, it is okay for him to keep cheating on you, it is okay to be his baby mama when he has no intention of marrying you, it is okay to become successful because of who you slept with. This is the detrimental culture which our young girls are seeing. Any female can open their legs to a man, thats easy but it takes a strong woman to work hard and use her intellect to build a name for herself.
We need to see women who use their brains, not just their beauty or vagina to succeed in the world. It is a shame that the media does not bombard us with images of female doctors, lawyers, entrepreneurs, engineers, academics etc.
We seemed to have lost our worth and as a result there are men out there who don't respect women. "I only respect women who respect themselves" a phrase I've heard many times. However it does show that men will treat us how we allow them to. As long as we tolerate BS we will keep receiving BS, we need to have standards on how we should be treated.
A man should be the one to protect us not hurt us, give us love not pain, provide not take away, lead us not deceive us, respect us not dishonor us, take care of us not abandon us to raise our children by ourselves.
We shouldn't be allowing unworthy men into our lives giving them the opportunity to take advantage. God made women to become a WIFE to a man ("That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh" Gen 2:24) not just an object for whenever he wants to penetrate. Stop settling for less, you should be with someone you deserve, don't just settle for the first man that comes by.
Stop allowing your past experiences to define you and make you feel less than you are, we've all made mistakes. Know your worth. Be a goal digger not gold digger, work on becoming a better woman. You are more than just a cute face, big ass and vagina. You are valuable. Women are Queens, and should be treated like royalty. Queens deserve a King who will love, respect, protect and cherish them. Learn to love yourself first. You are beautiful and deserve the best. After All without women where would men be?
Girlfriend : Babe, what's your favorite position ?
Boyfriend : When I get on one knee and make you my wife
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Don't settle for being his side chick |
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Be with a King who will make you his Queen |
Written by Dinah